12th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP2013)

3/27/2013 09:34:00 AM

Fonte: Site do evento

Texto de apresentação do Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência:

On behalf of the organizing committee, I feel greatly honored to welcome you to the 12th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP2013) of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society (SOBRAEP).

The conference will be held in Gramado, RS, Brazil, October 27th to 31st, 2013. The objectives are to provide high-quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology and fellowship.

Papers with new research results are encouraged for submission. I sincerely hope that COBEP2013 will not only provide you with the wonderful experience of a technology conference, but will also offer a place to meet old friends, make new contacts, and enjoy the Gaúcha culture.  

Prof. Dr. José Renes Pinheiro
Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM
COBEP 2013 General-Chair

Mais informações no site: http://www.ufsm.br/cobep2013/


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