Periódico CIVIL ENGINEERING recebe artigos para a publicação de fascículo especial sobre o Brasil (novembro de 2013)

8/16/2012 12:47:00 PM

Fonte: Twitter de Rejane Klaes


Civil Engineering is planning a special issue for November 2013 on Brazil.

Brazil is now the world’s sixth largest economy, ahead of the UK as well as its ‘Bric’ counterparts Russia and India.

Its successful bids for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics have also catalysed urban development and social change in Rio de Janeiro and beyond. There is huge interest in how these and other projects will be implemented to the long-term benefit of the country.

Sustainable transportation has been made a particular priority by the government to ensure the legacy of these mega-projects is realised, and there is further excitement surrounding the emerging spin-off projects and opportunities.

Civil Engineering , the flagship journal of the ICE, is continually seeking to expand its international influence and relevance with original material from around the world. Brazil is a hotbed of new infrastructure, industry and innovation. Papers and/or case studies are sought for this special issue which capture the civil engineering challenges, social nuances and technical needs of this fast-growing region.

Topics to be covered could include the following Brazil’s mega projects

2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics; Rio–Sao Paulo high-speed rail; learning from major projects in the past.

  • Benefits and legacy of mega projects
Facilities for all; infrastructure to redress social imbalance; urban transportation initiatives.
  • The natural environment
Challenges presented by Brazil’s topography, vegetation, climate and conservational needs; sustainable exploitation of natural resources.
  • Impacts of legislation
Changes in planning, land-use and agriculture; mega-scale food production; impact of labour laws and skills shortages

  • Procurement and standards
Custo brasil- the extra costs of doing business in Brazil; new approaches to procurement; update on national standards

The deadline for abstracts is 1 October 2012. The deadline for submissions is 3 December 2012.


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